Debug Mode Enter password IGORSAYSWARP at the menu. It will say the password is invalid but enter debug mode nonetheless. At the start of a level you will get the choice to let the computer solve the level, and if you decide to try yourself you can press SELECT to skip it.
Level Passwords After choosing the sound and block type, enter the following codes to play the puzzles just before the tombs.
Password: | Result: | GFLMHMWXLYWY | Before Idut's Tomb | MLYGKJJBDQPY | Before Pharaoh Scarabeus's Tomb | QCGXFKCHNFXY | Before Prince Khaemwese's Tomb | FNGMWDGHGDNM | Before Queen Nefertari's Tomb | XDQDNLFFMXDW | Before Vizier Mereruka's Tomb |